Don't jerk off - Support the bees

It's like a swear jar. You drop a donation into the virtual jar every time you masturbate. Reduce masturbation - support the bees.

Get rid of the guilt

Bee jar for support

Are you ashamed of what you did? You have an opportunity to rebuild your karma. You can do so by supporting a foundation that buys hives for wild bees. By supporting the wild bees, you can wash away the guilt of your compulsive masturbation.
In addition, contribute a few dollars after each masturbation, it’s a great way to limit it. Treat support bees like a swear jar into which you drop a penny every time you swear

Do the right thing

Do you love bees and want to help them? Support the foundation that buys hives for wild bees. They pollinate over 80% of the plants that we eat, but they need safe and suitable places to live. Your donation will allow to buy more hives for bees and protect them from threats. Join us and do something good for our little, but irreplaceable friends!

You'll still be a fapper, but at least a fapper that supports the bees

Make a donation

Get to know our little ones

Osmia Bicornis

Bombus Hypnorum

Osmia Bicornis

Bombus Hypnorum

You can sponsor the entire hive

Become a donor of the foundation that buys hives for wild bees and help them survive and thrive in a changing world. Your support will allow to provide bees with safe and comfortable homes, where they can pollinate plants and enjoy nature. Join us and do something good for our little, but irreplaceable friends!

Garden mason hive

Bumblebee hive

Hotel for insects

Or make any donation:

Our Love Story

Wild bees are incredibly important for our environment and our health. They pollinate over 80% of the plants that we eat, and provide us with a wealth of fruits, vegetables and herbs. Without them, our planet would be poorer and sadder.
Sadly, wild bees are threatened by habitat loss, pollution, diseases and parasites. It is becoming harder for them to find safe and suitable places to live and reproduce.

First - action

That is why a foundation was created that buys hives for wild bees. Hives are special houses for bees, that offer them protection, shelter and food. Hives are placed in various locations, such as parks, gardens, forests and fields, where bees can freely pollinate plants and enjoy nature.

...also education

The foundation not only helps bees, but also educates people about their role and needs. It organizes workshops, shows, exhibitions and contests, that aim to raise awareness and interest in wild pollinators. The foundation also wants to encourage people to create bee-friendly spaces in their surroundings, for example by planting flowers, building bee hotels or avoiding pesticides.

But we need support...

By supporting the foundation, you support not only wild bees, but also the whole ecosystem that we live in. Every donation, even the smallest one, matters and allows to buy more hives for bees. You can also become a volunteer, a partner or an ambassador of the foundation and actively join its activities.

Join us and help us save wild bees! Together we can do more for our little, but irreplaceable friends!

Want to learn more?

Use the contact form to send us a message

Contact us

    Best Wishes

    Supporting a bee-saving foundation is a way of protecting the biodiversity and the food security of our planet, as bees are vital pollinators for many crops and wild plants

    Hailey Jones

    Foundation activist

    Bees are indispensable for the health of our ecosystems and our food production, and supporting a bee is a way of ensuring their well-being in the face of various challenges

    Zoe Garcia

    Foundation activist

    Thank You

    Thank you for supporting the foundation that buys hives for wild bees. You have made a difference for our environment and our health. Your generosity will help to provide more safe and suitable homes for bees, and to raise awareness and interest in their role and needs. We appreciate your kindness and your involvement. You are a true friend of the bees!